Create an Account (Teacher)

Pro-Tip: Take advantage of single sign-on with your Google, Clever, or Classlink accounts. If you plan to sync your roster with one of these services, you MUST CREATE the account using that same single sign-on option.

Let's get started. 

Step 1: Go to the teacher's sign up page here.

Step 2: Enter the required information. 

Step 3: Select an organization type:

  • Home School - For parents or guardians who teach students outside a public or private school environment.
  • Teacher - For teachers who have one or more classes to roster and track their students.
  • School - For school administrators who manage teachers within a single school.
  • District Administrator - For district administrators who manage schools, admins, and/or teachers

Step 4: Enter the required information and click "Sign Up".

Pro-Tip: If you have a teacher account but you also want to race with your students, you can link your teacher account to your player account by going to your Account Settings (or Dashboard) and clicking the button that reads "Link with a Player Account". For more details view this help article: Link your Teacher Account to Your Player Account (Teacher)

That’s it! You’ve now created a teacher account. 😊